Dear High School Senior

So, this is it.

This is how it ends.

This is your senior high school story now.

Your story.

The story you will share with your friends when you look back on these important days of your life.

I see you.

I see you struggling to come to terms with this being how high school ends for you.  I see you contemplating the important milestones that may not happen for you.  I see your sadness in not being with your friends and building memories with them before you all turn the page to the new chapter ahead.

I see you wrestling between the need for independence and freedom and the understanding of how physical distancing is so critical right now.

And I see you doing your part to keep your friends, family and neighbours safe.  I see you finding creative ways to stay connected.  I see you discovering new things about yourself; new skills, new talents, new interests.  I see you settling into this new reality and finding ways to do your part.

I see how your story is changing.

And while it may not include walking the school halls, laughing with your friends, warm greetings from familiar teachers who have watched you grow over the past four years or being part of the final performance/game/competition…it is still your story.

You are the author of your story.  You get to decide what the next chapter looks like.  You may not get to control each dilemma you will face but you do get to decide how you will respond to it. You are in control of the character you are creating.

And I’m hooked.  I am struggling to put the book down – I cannot wait to see what you do next!

So, yes, this is how your senior high school year will end.  And your story will be unlike any others before you.  But it is still your story, and one you will share with your friends and classmates.

This is how it ends.  And how it begins.

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